Chinese Herbal Medicine

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system of Traditional Chinese Medicine which also includes acupuncture, massage, dietary advice and exercise. Physical treatment address your condition externally, while Herbal Medicine works from the inside out.

Chinese herbal medicine comes in many forms such as raw herbs, powder, capsules or tablets. Raw herbs may help because your practitioner can combine a variety of herbs specific to your condition. Raw herbs require special preparation, similar to making tea or soup.

What are the Herbs like?

Herbs are now available in both traditional (herbal tea) and modern (tablets or capsule). The herbal tea will taste unusual at first to anyone who has not tried them before, but most people will get used to the taste very quickly. The tablets and capsule form mostly are tasteless.

The herbal tea is made from raw herbs (which may look like sticks, leaves, or berries) and are cooked with water. You then strain off the herbs and drink the remaining liquid. If you are given raw herbs we will provide you with detailed instructions for their preparation.

How do you take the Herbs?

It is recommended that all herbal medicine be taken in accordance with your practitioner's instructions in relation to meals and should always be taken with a full cup of warm water (as opposed to hot or cold water). This promotes the proper absorption of the herbs increasing their effectiveness.

You should also avoid taking herbal medicine with any other beverage or consuming any other drink immediately afterwards. This especially includes tea, coffee, soft drink etc.

Who can have Herbal Medicine Treatment?

Subject to patient’s particular health condition and to practitioners’ adviceChinese herbal medicine can be used by people of any age or constitution. Our practitioners will take any previous or current illness or medication into account before providing treatment.

Chinese herbal medicine is generally considered to be safe but occasionally (as with all health treatments) may be associated with possible adverse reactions in individual cases.  Since Chinese herbal medicine can be as powerful as other prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, for some patients, some herbs can be toxic in high doses or can cause allergic reactions. So it is very important for you to have a personal consultation with a registered Chinese Medicine practitioner before taking any herbal medicine.  Do not abandon your regular medication or alter the dose without the knowledge and approval of your medical practitioner."  


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