Hair Analysis

What is a Hair Analysis?

A Hair Mineral Analysis Test can be used to trace a wealth of information about you. As the hair grows, especially the hair on your head, which can grow from two to six years before falling out, blood vessels feed the base of each strand, allowing the hair to absorb a host of chemicals, toxins and your body's natural oils.  Hair analysis utilises special techniques to observe the hair under a microscope with the intention of extracting details about your personal health and habits.

A Hair Analysis may be able detect various details, from the presence of drug use, heavy metals, some genetic disorders and family links, to the possible reasons or treatment options for alopecia.  All of this information, when provided to, and analysed by a professional, could be a helpful tool to assist you in achieving better long-term health.

The Testing Process

Hair samples can be cut from the scalp or pulled up with the roots, and the size of this sample can be generalised but will vary depending on your hair type and texture.  Please see our information on 'Collecting a Sample' for specific details on the appropriate sample to collect for your analysis.

Regardless of your hair type, it is important that your sample is clean and as free from shampoos, conditioners, dyes and straightening treatments as possible as chemical treatments can alter trace element levels .  In the case that the hair from your scalp is treated in some way, you may be able to collect a sample of your body hair as an alternative.

Prior to analysing your hair sample, the hair may be treated in a lab setting to remove additional traces of sweat, oil, skins cells, etc. cut or ground, and then subject to chemical and visual analysis.

Collecting a Sample
  1. Before you begin, ensure that your hair is as clean and untreated as possible.  Virgin hair, that is hair that has not been treated with chemicals or dyes, is recommended.  Virgin hair can be found close to the root or at the nape of the neck if you have had prior chemical treatments which have grown out - it is commonly referred to as 'regrowth'.  If you are unable to provide an appropriate sample of virgin hair from the scalp, pubic hair can be used for monitoring toxins, but please do not mix scalp and public hair samples.

  2. Locate a sample of your hair from the occipital region of the scalp.  That is, the space at the rear of your skull where it begins to curve back towards your neck.

  3. Cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible using clean stainless steel scissors.  The amount required for the test is around half a gram, or about the width of a pencil.

  4. Take the hair you have cut from your head and measure around 4cm (1.5 inches) from the proximal (root) portion, and discard any excess hair.  This portion should provide the most recent metabolic activity.  Ideally, you will provide roughly one heaped tablespoon of hair for an accurate Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

  5. Place your sample in a clean envelope with your name, address and phone number on the back, and post it to:

Dr. Li's TCM Clinic
Level 1, 6 Burns Bay Road
Lane Cove NSW 2066

The Results

Following your test, you will receive a detailed report of the findings.  If you would like an explanation of these results and an indication of how you can best act on these results to get the most out of your health, you may book an Online Hair Analysis Follow Up Consultation with Dr. Li here.

Please book and pay for your Hair Analysis online prior to sending a hair sample.  All hair samples received without a corresponding payment in the same name will be disposed of on receipt.

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